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Prague, on November 15th, 1945


Jewish Agency for Palestine.


Prague V., Josefovská 7. tel. 620-02

Statistics on the rooms

Preferential better housing (children’s rooms, etc.)

Number of inhabitants: 12

Size: 6 x 4 m … 34 sq. m. i.e. 2 sq. m. per person (theoretically) after subtracting the furniture, sized 10.7 sq. m., the actual residential area per person is … 1.1 sq. m.

space: 6 x 4 x 3.20 m … 76.8 m3 (theoretically), after subtracting the furniture, sized about 4.8 m3, the actual space is 72 m3 for 12 peopleor 6 m3 per person for 12 hours for 1 person and for 1 hour ….. 0.5 m3 of air!

Due to insufficient supplies of coal, the windows often remained closed.


Jiří Lauscher

Documentation Campaign: Scheck

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16. XI. 1945

Alex Schmiedt

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Written with Mr. Jiří Lauscher, born 15. 9. 1901 in Theresienstadt, residing in Prague VII., Heřmanova 43, Jewish nationality, profession private civil servant, former prisoner of the Theresienstadt - ghetto concentr. camp.

I am handing over various applied - art articles modeled on the originals that were manufactured in Theresienstadt as gifts. I have created a large number of these articles for the documentation campaign.


Jiří Lauscher

Statement accepted by:

Helena Schicková

Signature of witnesses: Dita Saxlová

Berta Gerzonová

On behalf of the documentation campaign:


On behalf of the archive:

Alex. Schmiedt

19. 10. 1945

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Model of a Theresienstadt room at an exact scale of 1:10. The room shows preferential housing, for example for youths if they weren’t placed in houses.

Model of housing in the Erdbunker at a scale of 1:20. The roof has been simplified because at this size the details wouldn’t be seen. The sketch depicts the actual building. It was not produced in a workshop. The models have been created with primitive tools.

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1 Note 1: [single page with the Erdbunker sketch]