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Statement no. 2. B

Robert Fehl:

Letter on the anti-Semitic behaviorof a clerk of the Association of Lib. Pol. Prisoners in Prostějov

Prostějov, October 1st, 1945

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Robert Fehl, Prostějov, maršála Stalina 13-15

Complaint against the behavior of the head of the Association of Political Prisoners in Prostějov

I stopped by the offices of the local branch of the Association of Liberated Political Prisoners on October 1st, 1945, in the afternoon and handed in a properly filled out application to the afore-mentioned Association. In this application, section A (personal statement) without reservations was also signed.

Upon my request that my repatriation card, which was issued by the repatriation division of the Ministry of Labor Defense and Social Welfare in Olomouc, be stamped, the chairman of the branch, Mr. Hacar, told me that he won’t confirm repatriation cards for Jews until he receives confirmation of the nationality of the local Jews.

Upon my question of what about those who have confirmed their Jewish nationality, Mr. Hacar answered: For me, Jewish nationality doesn’t count because it’s just something clever that Jews do in order to decide what side they’re on. I answered that, according to the president of the republic and the Czechoslovak government’s decision, Jews were granted equal rights and so his opinion was wrong. Mr. Hacarthen told me: Our Association is for our people only and not you who were only persecuted because of your race.

For your information, Mr. Hacar is a member of the local political police force (deputy of the chief).

When I retorted that we are longer a fascist state, Mr. Hacar threatened to throw me down the stairs, called me a stinker, and threw me out of his office.

The following people witnessed these events:

Julius Klein, Prostějov, Blahoslavova 17

Ota Deutsch, Prostějov, Lutínova 6

Jindřich Stern, Prostějov, Šafaříkova 13

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Arnošt Sommer, Prostějov, Krumlovská 60

Ludvík Rosauer, Prostějov, Nám. Rudé armády 19

I politely demand that Mr. Hacar be instructed that persecution on the basis of race is on the same level as political persecution, that he must behave properly towards people in a democratic state who have politely requested information from him, and that he be required to publicly retract his insult of stinker in the newspaper, as it was not only offensive to me, but to all of my other fellow Jews.

For your information, I spent 3 years in various concentration camps, among others also in Auschwitz, where all of those who were transported for reasons of race had to sign statements that they were arrested as political prisoners. Also, in my personal statement, which is part of this application to the Association of Liberated Political Prisoners, it states that the member who submitted the application never promoted, defended, or praised the principles of fascism and anti-Semitism and the acts stemming from them. The behavior of Mr. Hacar is not in accordance, which my statement makes quite clear.

In Prostějov on October 1st, 1945