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Statement no. 4

Deathmarch in western Bohemia documentary photographs and exhumation

Teplá near Mariánské Lázně, September 4th, 1945

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Documentary photographs of the so-called death march in western Bohemia. The exhumation conducted on August 28th, 1945 in the town of Teplá near Mariánské Lázně, among other places.

The exhumation was conducted by:

Senior doctor and director of the municipal hospital in Plzeň, Mudr. A. Čech

Regional doctor Mudr. Dobroslav Svoboda from Mariánské Lázně

Head of the O.S.L. office in the town of Teplá, police commander Boh. Nebázlivý

Chairman of the O.S.K. Josef Marel

Representatives of the National Security Corps

Representatives of the garrison

Representatives of the US Army

Representatives of the Documentation Campaign

Germans were made to dig up the dead bodies. The funeral was scheduled and took place on the same day at 6 o’clock in the evening. It was performed by a Catholic priest despite the fact that the dead were Jewish.

Photographed by Mr. Second Lieutenant Robert M. Singer.

Received by the Documentation Campaign on: 4. 9. 1945

On behalf of the archive: Alex Schmiedt

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no. 1. The exhumation begins. Local Germans, mostly murderers from the SS, unearth the first corpses.

no. 2. 1. Unearthed corpse.

no. 3. Another corpse. Skull with a bullet hole.

no. 4. Another corpse. Broken collarbone.

no. 5. Closeup of a corpse.

no. 6. The remains of the victims of torture displayed at the cemetery near the town of Teplá.

no. 7. The corpses of the victims of torture displayed at the cemetery near the town of Teplá.

no. 8. Allied speech on the main square in the town of Teplá.

no. 9. Allied speech on the main square in the town of Teplá.

no. 10. Funeral procession.