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Protocol No. 7

12. 8. 1945


recorded with monastic sister Stauber Herma, b.Stift Teplá, nationality German.

I remember two transports: one in March and one in April. I can say very little about the March transport. The people had inadequate clothing, frozen limbs, no luggage and said that they were going to Bavaria. They were accompanied by SS guards. Around April 24, a transport of women and men arrived at the monastery and demanded accommodation for the night and potatoes. The people were in terrible condition. They were split up into different barns and I started to cook for them. Some women helped me. During the conversation I learned that they were on the transport from Silesia to Bavaria. The treatment was twofold: a guard waited until late in the night until all the food was cooked and did not go to sleep until all the people were taken care of. It was an older gentleman whose name I did not remember. He stated that he had only accepted the task of overseer against his will and expressed his intention to leave the transport soon. He loathed the violence and seemed to be very popular with the inmates. Another on the contrary struck and scolded even the women. I felt obliged to give him a reprimand, and he turned against me. Otherwise, we know nothing about it in the monastery.

Protocol recorded by W. Zeew Scheck in the presence of Dorit Terner and the Provisor of the monastery Georg Feyl.

Names and Birthdates of Witnesses:

William Zeev Scheck 13. 5. 1920

Sister Herma Stauber 1. 5. 1897

Georg Feyl, Provisor, 2. 6. 1894

Ternerová Dorit 28. 9. 1925