Documents found: 3

  1. EHRI-DC-031_01.png
    Rudolf Klein | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Rudolf Klein describes in detail autopsies in the Terezín Ghetto. As a medical student, he was one of the people who performed them. He also provides an overview of the cremation and burial of corpses in the Ghetto.
  2. EHRI-DC-028_01.png
    Josef Klaber | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Josef Klaber provides a report on Jacob Edelstein (chairman of the Council of Elders in the Terezín Ghetto), Ota Zucker (member of the Council of Elders in the Terezín Ghetto), and Erich Munk (member of the Council of Elders in the Terezín Ghetto).…
  3. EHRI-DC-030_01.png
    Youth Welfare Department | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Detailed report on youth welfare in the Terezín Ghetto. The unknown author sheds light on the topic of children and youth, including their housing, education, and general living conditions.