Documents found: 2

  1. EHRI-DC-027_01.png
    Josef Klaber | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Josef Klaber provides a report on Karl Löwenstein, the head of the Security Department in the Terezín Ghetto. He describes his activities, behavior towards the prisoners, and his position in the ghetto.
  2. EHRI-DC-013_01.png
    1945-09-16 | Evžen Schönfeld | Auschwitz-Birkenau
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Evžen Schönfeld recounts his experiences of the camps in Warsaw, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dachau, and Mühldorf. He focuses on the harsh living conditions in the camps, describes the daily routine, poor food allocations, forced labor, and the death of…