The online edition focuses on Holocaust survivor´s testimonies collected within the framework of the so-called “Documentation Campaign” in Prague (Dokumentační akce), one of the earliest postwar projects to document the events of the Shoah, collecting evidence, documents, and witness testimonies. The founder of this initiative was Zeev Schek, a pre-war Zionist and survivor of the Terezín Ghetto and Auschwitz, who later emigrated to Palestine. Most protocols were compiled in 1945 and 1946 in either Czech or German language.
- Content, Methodology and Editorial Standards
- Magda Veselská: Zeev Schek’s Documentation Campaign
- Daniel Shek: The Story of My Parents
- Jan Láníček: Jewish Religious Communities in the Bohemian Lands After 1945
- Magdalena Sedlická: Ethnic Homogenization and Its Impact on Jews in the Bohemian Lands After 1945
- Peter Hallama: Holocaust Memory in Early Postwar Czechoslovakia
- Imprint
- All testimonies
- By indices: Subjects | People | Organisations | Places