Documents found: 5

  1. EHRI-DC-067_01.png
    1945 | Poland
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 90. Original in Czech.
    Report by Tucny, Fuchs, Flato, Brandstetter, and Morgenstern on the virulent anti-Semitism of postwar Poland. They recall various violent attacks against Jews, murders, and the pogrom in Kraków that took place in August 1945.
  2. EHRI-DC-055_01.png
    1945-08 | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    The unknown author describes the history of the Terezín Ghetto from 1941 to its liquidation in the summer of 1945. The author focuses on the most import aspects of the daily life, living conditions, and structure of the Ghetto. He also recalls the…
  3. EHRI-DC-034_01.png
    1945-10 | Robert Fehl | Prostějov
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 90. Original in Czech.
    Robert Fehl briefly describes the anti-Semitic attitude of clerks that he witnessed at the Liberated Political Prisoners organization in Prostějov.
  4. EHRI-DC-027_01.png
    Josef Klaber | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Josef Klaber provides a report on Karl Löwenstein, the head of the Security Department in the Terezín Ghetto. He describes his activities, behavior towards the prisoners, and his position in the ghetto.
  5. EHRI-DC-016_01.png
    1945-02 | H. Vinohradský | Auschwitz-Birkenau
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Lt. H. Vinohradský is the author of five articles published during February and March 1945 in the central journal of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps in the USSR, which focus on the fate of three Czechoslovak children during the Holocaust. They…