Documents found: 10

  1. EHRI-DC-067_01.png
    1945 | Poland
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 90. Original in Czech.
    Report by Tucny, Fuchs, Flato, Brandstetter, and Morgenstern on the virulent anti-Semitism of postwar Poland. They recall various violent attacks against Jews, murders, and the pogrom in Kraków that took place in August 1945.
  2. EHRI-DC-053_01.png
    1945-12-05 | Richard Friedmann | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    Very detailed report on the activities of Leo Baeck, Jakob Edelstein, and primarily Richard Friedmann. Friedmann was an Austrian Zionist who worked at the Jewish Community in Vienna and, later, in Prague. He managed to smuggle medicine to the Terezín…
  3. EHRI-DC-048_01.png
    Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    The unknown author describes the “schleussen” in the Terezín Ghetto. “Schleussen” is a form of stealing, when inmates tried to smuggle some food for their relatives or friends in the ghetto. Various forms of “schluessen” are described in the report.
  4. EHRI-DC-049_01.png
    1946-02-16 | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    Brief report on the lecture series that took place between 1943 and 1945 in the Terezín Ghetto. Utitz shortly describes the structure and content of the lectures.
  5. EHRI-DC-036_01.png
    1945-10 | Ernest Kohn | Topoľčany
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 90. Original in Czech.
    Ernest Kohn and Ondřej Weiss provide a report on the pogroms in Topoľčany and in neighboring cities. They describe the backdrop and details of the riots against Jews in autumn 1945.
  6. EHRI-DC-033_01.png
    Mariana Meissnerová | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Mariana Meissnerová briefly describes her experiences of the Terezín Ghetto and the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Merzdorf camps. She recalls the harsh living conditions in these camps, the illnesses, and slave labor. Her parents and husband perished during…
  7. EHRI-DC-016_01.png
    1945-02 | H. Vinohradský | Auschwitz-Birkenau
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Lt. H. Vinohradský is the author of five articles published during February and March 1945 in the central journal of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps in the USSR, which focus on the fate of three Czechoslovak children during the Holocaust. They…
  8. EHRI-DC-005_01.jpg
    1945-11 | Berta Gerzonová | Auschwitz-Birkenau
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Berta Gerzonová recalls several days in autumn 1944, when she was deported from the Terezín Ghetto to Auschwitz-Birkenau and then to other camps. In a literary style, she describes the transport to Auschwitz-Birkenau and the shock that inmates…
  9. EHRI-DC-014_01.png
    1945-07-23 | Valerie Straussová | Schlesiersee
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Valerie Straussová was deported in autumn 1944 from the Terezín Ghetto to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she was selected for forced labor and sent to Sława (Schlesiersee), a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen. At the end of January 1945, the camp was evacuated and…
  10. EHRI-DC-043_01.png
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in German.
    Short report by Leo Herzog mainly on his deportation to the Minsk Ghetto and labor camp in Budzyń (Lublin). He describes the harsh living conditions, illnesses, hunger, and forced labor.