Documents found: 34

  1. EHRI-DC-054_01.png
    Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    Short text, written in a literary, emotional style. Otto Kalwo describes the process of deportation from the Terezín Ghetto to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  2. EHRI-DC-049_01.png
    1946-02-16 | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín collection, inv. no 343. Original in German.
    Brief report on the lecture series that took place between 1943 and 1945 in the Terezín Ghetto. Utitz shortly describes the structure and content of the lectures.
  3. EHRI-DC-046_01.png
    1945-09-09 | Prague
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in German.
    Erika Wolfová describes the support project, in which some members of the youth Zionist movement in Prague were involved. Their main task was to help with parcels and remain in written contact with deported Jews and the Zionist movement abroad. She…
  4. EHRI-DC-044_01.png
    1945-05-14 | Julius Ludolph | Melk concentration camp
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in German.
    Hermann Hofstädt describes his arrival from Mauthausen to the Melk concentration camp in April 1944. He focuses on the harsh living conditions in the camp, the torture of its inmates, and the role of camp commander Julius Ludolph and other SS men.
  5. EHRI-DC-064_01.png
    1945-08-28 | Teplá
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Dorit Ternerová describes in detail the exhumation of the victims of the death marches she has witnessed in the town of Teplá.
  6. EHRI-DC-063_01.png
    1945 | Teplá
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Investigation of the participants in the mass killings in the town of Teplá. The investigation committee interviewed several local inhabitants regarding the events they may have witnessed.
  7. EHRI-DC-060_01.png
    1945-08-20 | Teplá
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in Czech.
    Description of the exhumation of death march victims buried in the city of Teplá, the identification of 26 corpses, and burying the dead.
  8. EHRI-DC-036_01.png
    1945-10 | Ernest Kohn | Topoľčany
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 90. Original in Czech.
    Ernest Kohn and Ondřej Weiss provide a report on the pogroms in Topoľčany and in neighboring cities. They describe the backdrop and details of the riots against Jews in autumn 1945.
  9. EHRI-DC-029_01.png
    Josef Klaber | Terezín Ghetto
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Josef Klaber provides a report on the "ladybirds" ("berušky") in the Terezín Ghetto, i.e. German women who searched the Jews from the arriving transports and confiscated illegal items, such as money, tobacco, jewelry, and contraband.
  10. EHRI-DC-026_01.png
    Otto Friedländer | Wulkow
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Terezín Collection, inv. no 343. Original in Czech.
    Otto Friedländer was deported from the Terezín Ghetto to the Wulkow labor camp (Baukommando Zossen). He describes the harsh living conditions in the camp, the hunger, the illnesses, and the torture of the camp's inmates.